
The Handover refers to the formal transfer process of a property from the Property developer to the buyer or tenant in Dubai. This important milestone includes the technical acceptance, document handover and final quality control of the property. The process marks the official transfer of responsibility and ownership of the property.

The Handover process is a crucial moment when buying property in Dubai and requires special attention from all parties involved. In Dubai, this process follows strict regulations set by the Dubai Land Department (DLD) be determined.

The process is typically divided into several phases:

  • Pre-inspection: A detailed appraisal of the property for possible defects
  • Document review: Verification of all necessary authorisations and certificates
  • Technical acceptance: Test of all installations and systems
  • Final handover: Handing over the keys and signing the handover protocols

Careful documentation during the handover is particularly important. You should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Completeness of all technical documentation
  • Correct recording of any defects in the handover protocol
  • Review of warranty periods
  • Documentation of all keys and access codes

In Dubai, it is customary for the Handover a Snagging Report is drawn up. This documents any defects or incomplete work that the property developer still needs to rectify. It is advisable to consult an independent expert for support.

After a successful handover, the Warranty periodwhich in Dubai is one year as standard. During this period, the property developer is obliged to rectify any defects that occur. Structural defects are even covered by a 10-year warranty.

It is advisable for investors and owner-occupiers to prepare thoroughly for the handover process and to inform themselves about their rights and obligations. The Dubai Land Department provides detailed guidelines for this purpose.

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