DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority)

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) is Dubai's state-owned utility company responsible for the provision and management of electricity and water supply in the emirate. As the central point of contact for all utility issues, DEWA plays an essential role for property owners and tenants in Dubai.

The DEWA was founded in 1992 and has developed into one of the most efficient utility companies in the world. DEWA is an indispensable partner for property owners and investors in Dubai, as it coordinates all aspects of electricity and water supply to properties.

Importance for your property:

  • Before moving into a new property, you must have a DEWA account create and activate the supply
  • Registration can be done online via the DEWA Smart Portal take place
  • A deposit (Security Deposit) is required, the amount of which depends on the type of property

Practical aspects:

For property transactions you need a DEWA Clearance Certificatewhich confirms that there are no outstanding invoices. This document is essential for the transfer of ownership of a property.

DEWA offers modern digital services:

  • Smart meters for real-time consumption monitoring
  • Mobile app for viewing and paying invoices
  • Green Bill initiative for paperless communication

Costs and fees:

The supply costs are made up of various components:

  • Consumption-based charges for electricity and water
  • Housing fee (Housing Fee) of 5% of the annual rent
  • Basic fees for connection and maintenance

As a property owner or investor, you should DEWA fees into your cost calculation. Consumption costs in Dubai are moderate by international standards, but can rise significantly, especially in the hot summer months due to intensive air conditioning.

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